Nagpur: Cracking down on the auto-drivers and mini transport vehicles clogging the busy stretches of Nagpur, mainly Jhansi Rani Square and Variety Square, the Traffic Department on Thursday has brought to book may erring vehicles. Taking cognisance of the report published in Nagpur Today the traffic cops seized as many as 29 auto-rickshaws and mini transport vehicles.Deputy Commissioner of Police Bharat Tangde told Nagpur Today that in-spite of many warnings, when these auto-rickshaw drivers did not adhere to the rules and regulations, they have initiated severe penal action against these errant auto-rickshaw drivers and drivers of mini-transport vehicles.
He said that the drive was initiated from early morning on Thursday, during which action was taken against drivers of 29 auto-rickshaw and mini-transport vehicles. He added their penal action would continue for another 20 days and the errant auto-rickshaw drivers will be penalized.
DCP Tangde also said that they are trying to find a long term solution to regularize the auto-stands and discipline in plying autos in the city.
All these 29 auto-rickshaw and mini-transport vehicles were seized and taken to DCP (Traffic) Office in civil lines. Till the time of filing the report, the legal documentation work was going on in the office of DCP Traffic.
Nagpur Today View
One would often find how the auto-rickshaws and mini-transport vehicles crowd the main junctions like Rani Jhansi Square, Variety Square etc soliciting passengers. The other road users had faced harrowing experience while traversing these squares especially when the traffic signal (on green position) is for limited time. Given such a scheme of things, it is high time such traffic violators should be penalised. However the real concern still remains – Will these violaters not return again?