Nagpur: In a distressing incident, a 71-year-old patient suffering from a liver disorder took a fatal plunge from the fifth floor of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Nagpur early on Monday morning. The patient, identified as Namdev Lahanu Mohod, a resident of Mangli, had been admitted to the surgery department of AIIMS Nagpur under Unit In-charge Dr. Bhupendra Mehra on Sunday afternoon. Mohod, diagnosed with rectal prolapse with hepatic mass, was undergoing evaluation and was placed in ward 503 on the fifth floor. Unfortunately, Dr. Mehra confirmed that Mohod’s drastic decision resulted in his demise.
This marks the second such incident of a patient jumping from the fifth floor at AIIMS Nagpur, with a similar occurrence during the 2021 coronavirus pandemic. Notably, the windows on the fifth floor lack protective grills. Despite the previous incident, AIIMS has not implemented any corrective measures. The absence of grills poses a safety hazard to all occupants.
Responding to inquiries about the lack of window grills, Lt Col Nikhil Pandey, Superintending Engineer at AIIMS Nagpur, explained, “The construction design of AIIMS across India remains consistent, and alterations are not feasible. Additionally, AIIMS operates within the guidelines of the Maharashtra Airport Development Company (MADC) at the MIHAN location.” Pandey highlighted the necessity to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from MADC for any modifications to the internal structure. However, MADC’s Fire Department declined the installation of grills, emphasizing the importance of an unobstructed rescue area.
Ganesh Kharatmal, Deputy Fire Officer with the Fire Department of MADC, clarified, “We have not prohibited AIIMS from installing grills. Our concern is solely on maintaining an unobstructed rescue area. While we suggest patients not be housed on the fifth or fourth floors, the decision ultimately lies with AIIMS.” The tragic incident has sparked renewed discussions about the need for safety measures and structural changes within AIIMS Nagpur.