Published On : Mon, Oct 30th, 2023

Trickster from WB gets 28-month jail in Nagpur


Nagpur: Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) NB Patil in Nagpur sentenced a man from West Bengal, Souvik Ghosh, to 28 months of rigorous imprisonment and fine Rs 45,000 for duping one Leeladhar Shahu of Rs 4 lakh.

In August 2021, Ghosh had lured Shahu at his residence at Shiv Nagar in Pardi with a promise of doubling his money. Ghosh had taken Rs 4 lakhs cash from Shahu and kept it in a container. Ghosh had claimed that the amount would double in some time and was trying to dupe Shahu.


Ghosh then sneaked away from Shahu’s residence on the pretext of going for a tea break. He took away the cash, leaving behind some pieces of paper in the container. Ghosh was nabbed and subsequently chargesheeted by Pardi police.