Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday said he had tried to contact Prime Minister Narendra Modi on phone regarding the oxygen supply for the state but the PM was not available since he was busy campaigning for the West Bengal elections.
Speaking to industrialists and representatives of trade bodies like FICCI and CII via video conferencing, the CM also said the Centre was cooperating with the Maharashtra government.
Earlier in the day, Union minister Piyush Goyal had attacked Uddhav Thackeray on the issue of availability of oxygen in the state, saying that Maharashtra has so far received the highest quantity of oxygen in India and the Centre is in regular touch with state governments to assess their needs.
“Maharashtra is suffering from an inept and corrupt government and the Centre is doing its best for the people. People of Maharashtra are following ‘Majha Kutumb, Majhi Javabadari’ dutifully. It is time the CM (chief minister) also follows his duties in the spirit of ‘Majha Rajya, Majhi Javabadari’,” the commerce and industry minister said.
Meanwhile, Thackeray appealed to the industrial sector to plan a COVID-appropriate work-style to ensure that the economy is not impacted in case of a “third wave of coronavirus”.
The CM said a task force of the industrial sector will be set up for coordination with the state government.