Nagpur News. Actors who staged famous play Trighanchu performed two spell binding, thought-provoking short-plays at Hislop College. The performances received overwhelming response amidst much applause from the audience. The plays presented were “Jhoot Bole Kauva Kate” and “Dishaheen”.
Both the plays were performed by the local artists with clockwise precision. No time was wasted in the change of scenes. With the appropriate background music, sound system and apt light effects accentuated every scene.
The theme or the subject chosen for the plays too was down to earth, depicted day-to-day woes of poor and needy people. The wrong path one is forced to take to fulfill the needs of food and health of near and dear ones was depicted with élan and style.
The drama connoisseurs of the city had a treat to cater to their thoughts and hearts. The audience was spell bound and in many a scene, the actors evoked the sentimental side of the one’s personality. There were many tear-jerker-scenes as well.
The first play “Jhoot Bole Kauva Kate” was written by Supanthu Bhattacharya. The Crow’s role was played by Raja Mukherjee, Doctor’s role by Abhishek Chatterjee, Sadhu Baba’s role by Abhijeet Majumdar and Chela’s role by Mohit Khakhad. Music by Ian Mukherjee.
The second play “Dishaheen” was enacted by an excellent cast. Dev’s role was played by Raja Mukherjee, Mohit’s role by Samresh Shinde, Amit’s role by Abhijeet Majumdar and Kamal’s role by Shobit Potphode, Samar Sen’s role by Abhijeet Bose, Police Inspector’s role by Chetan Sharma, Constable-1 by Shashank Ukey, Constable -2 Akash Yadav, Mrs Oberoi by Ishita Chatterjee. Music by Mohit Kakad and Shobit Potphode.