Nagpur: Even as the Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis showered words of appreciation for Nagpur police over crime situation in city, the reality has got something else to show. Contrary to rosy picture that the Chief Minister has been trying to paint of Nagpur, a horrifying incident of double murder in Kharbi area under Nandanwan police station rocked the city in the early hours on Tuesday. The murders, believed to have been the fallout of gang rivalry has instigated fear and sensation among the citizens. Sources have linked the two murders to the gang war that broke out under Ambazari police station area recently. Among those killed are two externed criminals identified as Badal Shambharkar and Sanjay alias Badshah Banode while the one more was injured, identified as Rajesh Yadav who is admitted to government medical hospital.
Dreaded Meshram gang has been alleged to have perpetrated the crime. The incident has sent senior officials on their toes whereas few people have been arrested on the basis of suspicion.
Sources said that the deceased duo along with their another accomplice were first knocked down by a speeding car and then brutally attacked with iron rods and stones. The incident reportedly happened at 4.30 am near Chaamat Chakki in Kharbi area.
Meanwhile, police have launched manhunt to nab the perpetrators who were still at large till the time of going to the post. Many supporters of the deceased expressed their angst as they crowded around the postmortem ward of Government Medical Hospital where the bodies were taken to detect the cause of death.
Sources said that one of the deceased Badal Shambharkar, resident of Pratap Nagar was a history sheeter who had lately threatened youth BJP leader Parendra Patle and asked ransom of Rs 2 lakh. Following this, Patle was also provided police security. Few days back, Badal was externed from Nagpur.
Similarly Sanjay alias Guru aka Badshah Banode was of criminal orientation and was externed from Nagpur. Both were allegedly indulged in rivalry with Ganesh Meshram gang. This had resulted into frequent fights among them in the past too. The duo were freely roaming about in the city despite being externed. Citizens are raising questions over the ignorance of both Ambazari and Pratap Nagar police over the entire episode.
Sources revealed that both Sanjay and Badal along with Rajesh Yadav went out for a party in Kharbi area on Monday night. The members of Meshram gang got a whiff of their activity and they dashed out to the spot in the car. The assailants kept waiting around the party spot till the end of the party which continued till wee hours of Tuesday. As Badal, Badshah and Rajesh were returning on a two-wheeler, they were being chased by rival gang members in a hatchback.
Incident caught in CCTV
As the trio reached near Chaamat Chakki, the attackers first hit them with their vehicle. As the trio fell, as many as 5 attackers reportedly came out of the car and brutally attacked the trio. They also smashed the heads of the three men with stones. All the accused fled the spot soon after. This entire scene was reportedly recorded in the CCTV camera installed nearby. Police reportedly reached the spot hours after the incident. Initially police took it as the road accident but soon the cops realised that it was the murder.