Nagpur: Amid the vibrant festivities at the South Central Zone Cultural Centre (SCZCC) on its third day, the audience was spellbound by a mesmerising performance of Hojagiri, presented by Debasish Reang and his group from Tripura. Debasish Reang, head of the group, said, “Hojagiri is not just a dance; it’s our way of honouring our Goddess Mailuma”.
The group has been practising for six months to perfect the movements and balance required for this traditional folk dance. Known for its spiritual and cultural significance, Hojagiri is a living testament to the heritage of the Reang (Bru) community of Tripura. It is performed to seek blessings from Mailuma, the deity of wealth and prosperity, especially during the post-harvest Hojagiri festival.
The dancers’ attire added to the visual splendour of the performance. Dressed in traditional Reang costumes, the women wore vibrant Rignai, a hand-woven wrap around skirt, paired with Risa, a matching upper garment.
The dance, exclusively performed by young girls and women, showcases extraordinary skill as the dancers balance earthen pots, bottles, or lamps on their heads while maintaining graceful yet complex footwork on a narrow base. Traditional musical instruments like the chamber, siphung, and sarinda, played by the men of the community, add rhythmic depth to the performance.
Hojagiri’s origins date back centuries and have remained a vibrant part of the Reang community’s rituals and celebrations.