Newly-minted Baywatch star Priyanka Chopra who happened to be in Berlin at the same time as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tweeted a picture of the meeting yesterday, saying, “Thank you for taking the time to meet me this morning @narendramodi Sir. Such a lovely coincidence to be in #berlin at the same time.”
The Bollywood actress is in Berlin to promote Baywatch and also attended the premiere of the film last night.
The picture with the PM had Priyanka wearing a pretty white dress embellished with lace. However, hours after the tweet, ‘sanskari’ Indians tweeted a response saying she wasn’t properly dressed to meet the prime minister. “Priyanka, you were sitting with the Prime Minister of our country. You should have at least had the basic sense of covering your legs,” a comment read.
The feisty actress posted this picture on Instagram with her mother in response: “Legs for days… #itsthegenes with @madhuchopra nights out in #Berlin.”
Break a leg, lady!