36 year old Tushar kapoor has finally got something to do, his Golmaal series have been applauding however solo films turned to be a disaster at the box office. Sister producer Ekta Kapoor also does not take risks with Tushar but now there is someone who has given Tushar a job to do. Colors channel is coming with a comedy show named “Nautanki-The Comedy Theatre “ which starts on the 2 February .
Actor Tushar Kapoor along with Actress Neha Dhupia do a debut on TV as judges. Asking about what will be the actual Nautanki of the show the Golmaal star said “It’s not a typical competition thing, but it’s more like a show where everyone comes together and acts in different situations given to them.”But the question is the actors we can rely on but will the judges play their roles right in the given situation? For the answer you have to watch this Nautanki.