Nagpur: Police have arrested two seasoned motorcycle thieves who were caught stealing a two-wheeler from the parking lot of Lata Mangeshkar Hospital. During interrogation, the duo also confessed to stealing another motorcycle from a different location. The operation was carried out by a team from the MIDC Police Station.
On September 15, Ravindra Dhote (50), a resident of Vitthalnagar, reported that his motorcycle had been stolen in broad daylight from the hospital’s parking area. Following the report, a case was registered at the MIDC Police Station.
Through CCTV footage, the police identified the suspects as Archit Govindrao Wanjari (20) from Bhimnagar Vasti and Kartik Purushottam Chouragade (19) from Anandnagar. Both suspects confessed to the crime. Upon further questioning, they admitted to stealing another motorcycle from the jurisdiction of the Pratapnagar Police Station.
The police recovered two stolen motorcycles from their possession, one with the registration number MH 40 AE 4120 and another without a number plate. The operation was conducted under the supervision of Senior Police Inspector Pravin Kale, with officers Sanjay Bansod, Deepak Thakur, Smile Naurangabade, Gajanan Rathod, Pankaj Mishra, and Vivek Zhade.