Nagpur: In a daylight robbery, two bike-borne goons snatched a bag containing Rs 1.50 lakh cash from the driver of a businessman on Central Avenue in Lakadganj Police Station area on Thursday. Cops have mounted a hunt to nab the two robbers.
According to police, Pankaj Chandrashekhar Ghutke (37), a resident of Plot No 25, Shaktimata Nagar, Hasanbagh, Kharbi Road, works as driver with Ashutosh Subhash Randhar, who runs Sanjeevani Gum Udyog. On Thursday, around 12.15 pm, Randhar handed over a cheque of Rs 1.50 lakh to Ghutke and asked him to withdraw the amount from HDFC Bank. Accordingly, Ghutke withdrew the money from the bank and kept the cash in the tiffin bag. He placed the tiffin bag in a bigger bag, which he was carrying. As he reached near Dr Ambedkar Metro Station on Central Avenue, two motorcycle-borne miscreants, in the age-group of 20-25 years, came from behind and snatched the bag containing the cash. The goons sped away even before Ghutke could raise an alarm.
Lakadganj Police, based on the complaint lodged by Ghutke, registered a case under Sections 392, 34 of the IPC and launched a search for the two unidentified robbers.