Nagpur: In yet another cyber crime, two tricksters posing as SBI officials, swindled Rs 6.41 lakh from account of a senior citizen. The two miscreants procured vital details of ATM card from the aged man and withdrew the money through Internet.
A resident of Plot No. 131, Banerjee Layout, Bhagwan Nagar, Ajni, Dilip Baliram Dupare (66), told police that he received a phone call from 918240929186 around 2 pm on Sunday (March 25) and the two callers identified as SBI officials. The two tricksters informed Dilip Dupare that his ATM card has been blocked. With this tricky talk, the two conmen procured vital details of Dupare’s ATM card and bank account. Armed with the details, the two bogus SBI men withdrew Rs 6.41lakh from Dupare’s account through Internet between March 25 and 27 fraudulently.
Ajni PSI B R Jadhav, based on Dupare’s complaint, registered a case under Sections 419, 420, 34 of the IPC read with Section 66(D) of Information and Technology Act against the two accused and launched a search to apprehend them.