Nagpur: In a shameful incident, two brothers allegedly tried to strip a neighbouring woman on Laxmi Pujan day over a dispute. The two accused brothers also attacked and thrashed the woman’s husband and son. The incident took place in Mankapur area. The police role in dealing with the matter has also come under shadow as the cops took the issue lightly and tried to let the accused scot free. But a video of the incident that went viral put the cops into action.
According to information, the Mankapur-based victimised family was preparing for Diwali celebration on Thursday evening. At the same time, a dispute erupted between the two accused, Prakash Kolhe and Rajesh Kolhe and the woman’s family. The accused brothers resorted to thrashing her husband and son. As the woman tried to intervene in the quarrel, the two accused brothers, in order to put her to shame, allegedly tried to strip her in full public view.
On being informed, a team of Mankapur police reached the spot and started their probe ‘for the name sake.’ The victimised family alleged that tried to hush-up the serious matter by registering a non-cognisable (NC) offence.
Police called the victimised family and the two accused brothers to police station. The family was forced to sit in the police station for hours. It is alleged the that two accused brothers have “good relations” with cops and hence being treated ‘well’ as they were allowed to meet many visitors. However, when a video of the incident went viral, the cops got activated. The cops first searched the house of the accused Kolhe brothers and reportedly found some lethal arms. The husband of the victimised woman reportedly informed that some pistols were kept in a room of the accused brothers but the cops did not pay any heed and hence did not check the room.
As if now, Mankapur PSI V D Naik has booked the accused brothers under Sections 354, 34 of the IPC and investigating the matter further.