Nagpur News.
Two day workshop on “Smart Grid & Micro Grid” was organized on 7th and 8th Jan 2014 in Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management as a pre conference workshop of “International Conference on Electronics Systems, Signal Processing & Computing Technologies- iCESc 2014 “. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Dr. Xiongwei Liu, Chair of Sustainable Engineering, University of Cumbria, UK. Large number of participation was there for workshop that includes faculties, PG Students and UG students. Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Students’ Association (EESA) coordinated the workshop to empower and enrich the knowledge of the students in the upcoming field of Smart Grid and Micro Grid.
Smart Grid & Micro Grid is buzz words in today’s world of energy crisis. Need is there to integrate all the resources of energy and intelligently manage them for the benefit of mankind. This technology shall utilize and harness renewable sources that were neglected in earlier years. The use of renewable energy shall protect the environment from impact of pollution. The topics deliberated in the workshop were smart grid Architecture and case studies, Role of Micro grid in smart grid, Grid integration of renewable energy sources and Intelligent energy management systems. The workshop was interactive in nature and all participants appreciated the delivery of Prof. Dr. Xiongwei Liu.
Prof. N.M.Deshkar, Prof. G.N.Goyal, Prof. Mrs. S. H. Deshmukh, Prof. Mrs. P.V.Kapoor and Dr. M.M.Renge coordinated the workshop in a successful way with a kind support of Prof.V.T.Barhate, Head of Electrical Engineering Department.