Nagpur News: Two house breaking thefts were registered under the jurisdiction of Hudkeshwar Police Station on Monday. In the first incidence, indentified thieves burgled valuables worth Rs 91,500 from the house of Amar Sureshrao Sadan (30), a resident of Plot No. 25, Chandrakiran Nagar, on Mondat. According to information Amar had gone to work while his mother went to Koradi Temple locking the door. Unidentified youths gaoned entry in the house through the back door. They stole cash Rs 1,500, SBI cards, gold and other ornaments worth Rs 91,500.
When Amar’s mother came back, she discovered the theft and immediately Hudkeshwar Police Station. On the complaint of Amar, Hudkeshwar police registered a case under Section 380 of the IPC.
In another incident, unidentified youths broke open the door of Lokesh Narayn Bhoyar (30), Nilkanth Nagar, BN Apartment, Flat No. 201, Hudkeshwar Road, on Monday night. Lokesh with his family had gone to see his relative who was admitted in Ketkar Hospital. Unidentified youths gained entry in the house by breaking open the front door. They looted gold ornaments, cash Rs 70,000 and valuable worth Rs 2.50 lakh. Cops have registered an offence under Sections 454, 457 and 380 of the IPC, informed Wandre. Further investigations are underway.