Nagpur: Two minors, sold to different families in Madhya Pradesh, have been rescued by Ajni police in the last couple of months. The minors, belonging to poor families, have been sold for marriage to youths for around Rs1 lakh. The minors were also sexually exploited by others.
Police said an investigation had kicked off following a complaint by a woman last year whose 16-year-old daughter had gone missing. Following the complaint, police had then rounded up Lata Tijare, Raj Bhalla alias Ganvir and Ritesh Gavai. During interrogation, the cops had learnt about the minor being sold in MP for around Rs1.15 lakh to a family through one Devsingh Gujjar.
After cops landed in MP, they managed to trace the minor after around four months of relentless efforts. Police had also arrested one Sagar Gujjar for marrying the minor and also forcing her to establish physical relation. The minor was also raped by Sagar’s kin.
Following her rescue, cops learnt that more minors, from Nagpur, have been sold at Jirapur in MP. Ajni police in April also managed to rescue another minor from the same place who had been sold for Rs99,000 around five months ago. She too had been sexually exploited by more than one person in the name of marriage.