Nagpur: The deeper probe into the tragic death of 11 year old twins Piyush and Priyansh Dhar led to the arrest of two former officials of NMC’s town planning department. The officials named Suresh Bhaje and Suresh Mahure were later remanded to police custody of Jaripatka cops by a court on Sunday in the Sugat Nagar electrocution case, where the twins had fallen victim on May 31. The officials were arrested on Saturday. These were the second and third arrest in the case after builder Anand Khobragade of Armors Developers.
Armors Township in Sugat Nagar was constructed under the 33 KV Mankapur-Nara power line. Officials of Nagpur Municipal Corporation’s (NMC) town planning department sanctioned the plan even though the area was under a high tension (HT) line. The sanction was given on the basis of spot inspection report signed by Bhaje and Mahure. In spite of knowing about the HT line, the police claimed the two cleared the township in their report. Township builder Khobragade had told residents that the line had been decommissioned and hence did not carry current.
Police said Bhaje was posted as junior engineer while Mahure had been a technical assistant engineer when they were involved in the inspection before 2004, when the township had come up under the high tension line. The Dhar brothers were playing on the terrace when they had come in contact with the live wire, leaving them with serious injuries and various degree of burns. Bhaje is currently posted as junior engineer at Pench project while Mahure is working as junior engineer at Satranjipura Zone of NMC.
Jaripatka police had initially registered a case of accidental death but later registered an offence against Khobragade and NMC’s town planning department employees. According to a senior police official, there could be more arrests in the case. Police have invoked section 304 of Indian Penal Code for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
In a similar way, MIDC police also registered offence under section 304 of IPC against three eatery house owners, civic officials and also employees of MSEDCL, after a five-year-old boy was electrocuted by a high tension wire near IC Chowk.