Nagpur: In a disturbing development, two tiger deaths were reported in Chandrapur District within a span of 48 hours. While a sub-adult tiger was crushed to death by a speeding train in Central Chanda Division on Friday morning, a decomposed carcass of a Big Cat was found in Ballarshah Range on the previous day (Thursday).
According to the information, a gangman of Railways noticed a carcass of a tiger on the railway track of Hyderabad-Ballarshah line and reported the matter to the Forest Department. Team of Forest Department reached the spot for inspection.
The tiger was a sub-adult male, informed Range Forest Officer of Rajura Range Suresh Yelkalwar. He further informed that the carcass was found near the pole number-452/40 in Chunala beat under Rajura Forest Range in Rajura tehsil, some 29 kms away from Chandrapur headquarters, on Friday morning.
Veterinary doctors from Transit Treatment Centre, Chandrapur, reached the spot and performed post-mortem. They found multiple injuries on the tiger’s carcass during the autopsy. Later, it was cremated in the presence of the Forest Department, representative of PCCF and others on Friday noon.
This is the second death of a tiger reported in two days under the Central Chanda Division. On Thursday, a decomposed carcass of a tiger was found in Ballarpur Range. All its body parts were intact.
The post-mortem was performed and the viscera sample was sent to the forensic laboratory in Nagpur for further examination. The reason for the tiger’s death would be known only after the post-mortem report is received.