Nagpur: Acting on the confessional statement of a vehicle lifter, Tehsil police have seized 10 teo-wheelers, 10 engines of two-wheelers and five chassis of stolen two-wheelers. The accused Salim Abdul Rahim was detained under Sections 379, 411, 413 of the IPC in connection with an offence No. 228/18 registered against him at Tehsil Police Station. His PCR was obtained and during custodial interrogation, the accused Salim Abdul Rahim confessed stealing two-wheelers from different areas under Tehsil police jurisdiction.
Similarly, Imambada police have arrested a vehicle lifter and recovered 3 two-wheelers from his possession. The accused has been identified as Amol alias Dadu Bhimrao Hadke (19), resident of Imambada area near Ravi Murti Factory. The seized two-wheelers include Honda Splendour motorcycle (MH-40/AG 0806), Scooty Pep (MH-31/BR 4391) and Honda Activa (MH-49/T 9470).