Nagpur News. Two women were molested in separate incidents at Koradi and Jaripatka on Sunday. Koradi police arrested two persons while another while one other was booked for molesting a middle-aged woman on Sunday. According to information, the complainant had gone to see her plot at Bokhara Road, beside Mugal Restaurant, in front of Wonderland School with her uncle. The accused John Edward Gregory (50), a resident near St John School, Sadar put up a quarrel with the complainant’s uncle over some old issue. The accused hurled profanities against her uncle due to which the complainant tried to intervene and sort the issue. But, two other accused Richard John Gregory (21), a resident of Mohan Nagar and Lorence John Gregory camein between and started using foul language against the complainant.
Koradi police have registered an offence under Sections 354 (a), 509, 323, 504, 506 (b) and 34 of the IPC and arrested John and Richard while booked Lorence.
In another case, a middle-aged woman lodged complaint with Jaripatka police station that the accused had thrashed her husband and molested her. The accused has been arrested.
In another case a 35-year-old complainant stopped the accused Brahma Chitarmal Sharma (28), a resident of Dayalu Society and asked him why he was troubling her daughter. The accused then pushed the complainant in anger and hurled profanities against her. Complaianant’s husband tried to intervene when the accused started thrashing him and also issued profanities.
On the basis of the complaint, jaripatka police arrested Brahma under sections 354 (a), 323, 504 and 506 of the IPC.