Nagpur: In a shocking incident, two young girls from city were sold for Rs 1.70 lakh in Gujarat by a neighbouring woman and her male accomplice.
According to police, a resident of Nandanvan area, the 19-year old complainant told cops that his sister (21) left home around 8 pm on May 19, 2019, for going to the house of her friend. However, she did not return home since then. On May 28, a friend of the complainant received a phone call from his sister that the accused Madhuri Umredkar (35) and her male accomplice sold her and her friend for Rs 1.70 lakh in Gujarat. The accused Madhuri resides in the neighbourhood of the sold girls.
Nandanvan ASI Jaybhaye, based on the complaint, registered a case under Sections 370, 34 of the IPC against the accused Madhuri Umredkar and her accomplice. Cops have launched in-depth investigation into the matter.
When contacted, the ASI did not provide details saying a probe is underway.