Nagpur: In two separate incidents, two boys, aged 22 and 24, committed suicide by hanging themselves in their homes under Hudkeshwar and Koradi police station respectively on September 17. The reason behind their extreme step could not be ascertained as yet.
In first incident, deceased identified as Gaurav Mohite (22) resident of Chakrapani Nagar, Pipla road endned his life by handing to ceiling fan in a room at his residence around 4 pm.
Hudkeshwar police has registered a case of accidental death and launched a probe into the matter.
In another incident, Chandrakant Aawade , resident of Jagdamba Dham Bokhare Rupal, ended his life between 9 am to 4.30 pm on Sunday when he was alone. The suicide came to notice when his family returned home and found him hanging from the ceiling fan.
Followed by the complaint of the deceased’s kin, Koradi police have registered a case of accidental death. Further details are awaited.