Nagpur: Two youths reportedly committed suicide by hanging themselves at their respective houses under Kapil Nagar and Hudkeshwar Police here, on Sunday.
Cops have registered cases of accidental deaths in both the cases and launched investigations into the matters.
A 20-year-old Rohan Rajesh Wasnik was found hanging to a wooden rod attach to sealing using a scarf at his house in Ramai Nagar at around 6.30 pm. Based on the complaint lodged by his father Rajesh, Kapil Nagar Police rushed to the spot and brought down the body.
Similarly, Ayush Dilip Sonare (22), a resident of Shivshakti Nagar ended his life by hanging from a ceiling fan on Sunday afternoon.
Based on the complaint lodged by family members, Hudkeshwar Police registered an offence accidental death and probing further.