Maharashtra minister Aaditya Thackeray pays tribute on the eighth death anniversary of Bal Thackeray on Tuesday, at the Smriti Sthal, at Shivaji Park, Dadar.
The spot has been decorated with marigolds and white roses and a rangoli has been drawn. State CM and Bal Thackeray’s son Uddhav, also paid tributes at the Smriti Sthal.
Followers of Thackeray arrived from far off places to pay tributes to the Shiv Sena founder.
“I came from Kheda Gaon to look at Thackeray Sahab. This is not a sad day. It is a happy day as Balasaheb’s dream has been fulfilled with Uddhav Thackeray as the Maharashtra Chief Minister. I wished for it to happen for a long time and I will distribute pedas (sweets) as now it has been fulfilled”, said Rajuseth Hiralal Jiaswas, one of the many supporters of Shiv Sena supremo who came to pay tribute.