Nagpur: In a significant crackdown, the Social Security Branch (SSB) of the Crime Branch uncovered a sex racket operating in Juni Shukrawari, under Kotwali Police Station’s jurisdiction. The operation, conducted on December 5 between 2:35 pm and 7:45 pm, led to the rescue of two women and the arrest of three individuals allegedly involved in the illicit activity.
The raid targeted the residence of Rajni Suryawanshi, located near Sugat Buddha Vihar, Old Shukrawari. The accused include Komal Gautam Shende (35), Sunita Vilas Shirsat (50), and property owner Rajni Ashok Suryawanshi (57).
During the operation, officials confiscated items worth ₹56,020, including three mobile phones valued at ₹50,000, cash, and other materials.
The suspects face charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (143(2), 4, 3(5)) and provisions of the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA), 1956.
The rescued women were provided immediate medical attention, while the seized items and documents were handed over to Kotwali Police Station for further investigation.
Inspector Kavita Isarkar of the Social Security Wing, who spearheaded the operation, emphasized the department’s commitment to eradicating such activities from the city.
Authorities assured the public that efforts to monitor and address immoral activities will continue to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals.