Nagpur: In a unique move, the Mayor Dayashankar Tiwari on Friday initiated a QR system, an ICT-based technology, to address shortcomings in the solid waste management. Rolled out by Nagpur Smart & Sustainable City Development Corporation Limited (NSSCDCL), in association with Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), the system would address current gaps in daily door-to-door collection of garbage.
At present, the system is going to be operational in Ward No 19 and 20. In the innovative system, every house will have its unique QR code that would be scanned during daily garbage collection. The system came into being as there were complaints about irregular visits and now collection workers and agencies would be held accountable. The technology is developed by ITI Limited, a Public Sector Undertaking under the Union Ministry of Telecommunications.
Rajesh Mohite, the Nodal Officer of Swachh Bharat Mission (Maharashtra) said the technology will bring revolutionary change. By using the technology, we can not only track the door-to-door garbage collection but also we can keep a check on segregation of waste at the source itself.
The Mayor said that the technology will now provide real time information on whether household garbage was picked up or not. This will make the waste collection system more comprehensive and transparent. Tiwari pasted the first QR Code sticker at one of the houses.
After scanning the QR code, the integrated dashboard associated with the technology will flash the house number and confirm collection of garbage. Mayor inspected the system, interacted with the citizens and also appreciated them for their co-operation with the NMC & Smart City in this process.
Some of the salient points of application is that apart from monitoring, it also generates alerts for households as per pattern of garbage submission. Similarly, type of garbage can also be noted and suitable intervention scan then be made. Civic agency can use this data to analyze which households were not covered and this ensures accountability of garbage collection workers.
Also through ICT route mapping of garbage collection vehicles is possible. One more advantage is that the system would provide up to date information about actual garbage sent to Bhandewadi Dumping Yard and also there would be segregation of wet and dry garbage.