Nagpur: A 34-year-old woman met a tragic end while trying to get on a running train on Sunday here, in Nagpur. The incident occurred at around 11 am on platform number 2 of the Nagpur Railway Station. The deceased has been identified as Savita Chandan Mehta (34), a resident of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Savita was in town to meet her pregnant sister living in Kajipeth area.
Savita was accompanied by a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old boy and an 18-year-old brother. They were travelling in 02792- Danapur- Secunderabad express. When the train stopped, Savita alighted from the train to get food for the children accompanying her. While she was busy buying food, the train started running.
Some passengers got on the running train. Similarly, Savita also tried to get on the running train from the platform. However, she lost her balance and crashed on the platform. Her chest, waist and back got severely injured due to this. She was later rushed to the hospital, however, the doctors pronounced her dead.