Nagpur: In an audacious act, reported under the jurisdiction of Koradi police, some unidentified miscreants had barged into a flat in a broad day light and absconded with valuables worth Rs 1,79,000 on January 5.
Sources said 56-year-old complainant Rishi Jayram Atkari resident of Flat No. 301, Mukta Apartment in Dhoke layout along with his family had gone to his in-laws between 12.30 and 5.45pm on Friday. In the meantime, some anonymous thief had gained entry in his house by breaking the lock of main door and absconded cash Rs 1,50,000 besides gold, silver ornaments placed in a iron almirah.
The burglary came to fore when the complainant returned home, only to find his house ransacked. Subsequently, he rushed to Koradi police and registered a complaint.
Followed by the complaint, Koradi police have registered a case under section 454, 457, 380 of IPC and started the probe.