Bollywood actors doing English movies has become a trend lately. A lot of English movies in Bollywood has seen success and reached out to a new and different set of audiences. Actor Varun Dhawan, who acted in Badlapur, says, doing Bollywood English films may alienate a certain section of fans and may not reach out to the complete Indian audiences. He was quoted as saying, “I honestly don’t know that. It might alienate a certain section of the audience and I don’t know if I would do a film like that at this point. If I were to, it would have to be something really special for me. Also, there needs to be a need for English in the film, not just as a gimmick.” Aamir Khan, had made an English movie titled Delhi Belly starring Imran Khan, the movie was an absolute success. There is a separate set of audiences for these kind of movies.
The young, urban and hip set of people made Delhi Belly a hit. The regular Bollywood fans, of course did not appreciate the movie as it was ‘In your face’ type of English films. There is surely a big market for English films in India, the susccess of Delhi Belly, Finding Fanny, Rockford and The Namesake did really well and pulled the hip set of Indians to the theatres. However, the problem arises that these movies do well only in limited areas, like Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and so on, while the other cities don’t show any box office collections at all. Maybe, Varun Dhawan has a point here, as it surely alienates certain section of people and does not reach out to the overall audiences, thus not catering to his overall fan base in the country.