Published On : Sat, Feb 22nd, 2014

VED invites ideas, thoughts from citizens for “Nagpur Vision-2020” a roadmap to the future


The Vidarbha Economic Development Council, in an election atmosphere, is organizing a programme on March 1, 2014 at Vasantrao Deshpande Hall to present its Vision Document, “Nagpur Vision -2020” to the public. The presentation would be followed by a feedback from three political leaders of the region of three major political parties — Mr. Shivajirao Moghe, Congress, Guardian Minister, Nagpur District, Government of Maharashtra, Mr. Anil Deshmukh, NCP, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Maharashtra and Mr. Nitin Gadkari, former National President of BJP.

Nagpur-Vision-2020Nagpur News.

The Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VED), the powerful engine that always rolls to push Vidarbha, the Second Capital City and its citizens ahead in all the spheres of development, sees Nagpur as the epicenter of Vidarbha and Vidarbha region is driven by this city which is growing. The VED, keeping in mind the supreme interests of the region, is creating a road-map for optimum development of Nagpur as a Model City up to 2020 and beyond. Devendra Parekh, President, VED, stressed that the citizens wish the city to be one of the outstanding cities of the country and since it is an election atmosphere, VED wishes to get the perspective of the political parties on this issue. Hence, VED has initiated the holding of a programme on March 1, 2014 at Vasantrao Deshpande Hall. Other associations of the city like the VIA, IMA, NVCC, CREDAI, MIA, BMA, ICAI, TIE, VTA, NCCL & LUB have come together with VED on this important issue of the city’s development in the future, informed Parekh.

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At this event, VED would be presenting to the public a Vision Document, “Nagpur Vision -2020” which would be a road-map to a future Nagpur city. The presentation would be followed by a feedback from three political leaders of the region of three major political parties — Mr. Shivajirao Moghe, Congress, Guardian Minister, Nagpur District, Government of Maharashtra, Mr. Anil Deshmukh, NCP, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Maharashtra and Mr. Nitin Gadkari, former National President of BJP.
About 40-50,000 people arrive in Nagpur daily for official or personal work either by road, rail or air. VED is looking for that perfect “Mantra” for growth that would create a feel-good factor, giving valid reasons for people coming here to recognize Nagpur as a model city and going back impressed and with happy memories. This would, of course, basically mean that the city actually lives up to the impression it wishes to create.
In connection with this concept, Parekh has invited citizens to give concrete and feasible ideas for this Vision Document that would usher in a systematic, civic and well organized Nagpur by 2020. Citizens could mail their ideas to VED’s email add:
Shivkumar Rao, Vice-President, VED, elaborated that the Vision Document would necessarily address problems of urban infrastructure, traffic decongestion and road network, upgradation of NMC schools and imparting quality education through the possibility of outsourcing such facilities, tourism including eco-tourism and other aspects like the creation of satellite cities.
Rao further informed that not just in higher technical education, but upgradation is the dire necessity at the school level too, especially in the NMC-run schools so that quality education may be imparted to them. Along with this, a happy ambiance is also necessary which would be in the form of  renovation of their school buildings to create a clean, sanitary and inviting atmosphere so that students have an incentive for coming to school and not drop out half-way. The scope of work mainly involves permanent type of repairs, additional rooms, uniform appearance, modern furniture, latest electrical equipment as in computers, projectors etc. compound walls, proper drinking water facility and sanitation. Such education could be outsourced for improved facilities and, therefore, performance, he suggested.
Regarding higher education, Rahul Upganlawar, Secretary General, VED, informed that Nagpur can provide through its large number of engineering and medical colleges the skilled professionals but the quality education needs to be imparted for graduates to be on par with national/international standards. Nagpur is already an educational hub but the need of the hour and the future is for quality education and technical courses that would ensure good and maximum potential for employment. VED has been continuously and consistently trying to arrange for national level institutes to be set up in Nagpur/Vidarbha like an Indian Institute of Management, a National Law School, an Indian Institute of Information Technology, a National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, a National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research etc.
One among VED’s ideas is that Nagpur could do with some sort of branding as in Nagpur — The Zero Mile City / Orange City / Gateway to Tiger Country and other branding ideas, informed Vilas Kale, IPP, VED. He further said that promotion of Nagpur as a Tourism Hub needs to be worked upon. Nagpur being “The Gateway to the Tiger Country” , the hub to the tiger-bearing central Indian forests,  surrounded by enchanting destinations for eco-tourism with several tiger reserves/national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, has a good number of tourists coming in for eco-tourism. The concept is that before or after park visits, such tourists could also check out the local sites of tourist interest like the nationally important landmark, the Zero-Mile Pillar, Mansar excavations nearby and sometime in the future the Gorewada Zoo & Biodiversity Park and the Gorewara Reserve as a walkers’ and bird-watchers’ paradise. These would be big tourist attractions nationally and internationally in the near future and so also would the Maharaj Bagh Zoo converted into a Bird Sanctuary and a garden. Nagpur also has local sites of importance in Religious, Archaeological, Historical and Heritage Tourism.
For all genres of tourism, of prime importance is the preservation of important monuments, heritage buildings, temples and very importantly the beautification of the Zero Mile Pillar.
Other areas that VED is interested in are Nagpur as a health-care hub which already caters to central India and spillovers from the metros. State-of-the-art medical care at reasonable costs is needed here to obviate the need for patients to go all the way to the metros to avail of such facilities. Of equal importance is the creation of good and advanced medical facilities for the common man through Primary Health Centres.
Nagpur as a MICE (Meetings-Incentives-Conventions-Exhibitions) Destination or a Convention Hub, with an international convention and a permanent exhibition centre is imperative as this would also generate employment and revenue. With an influx of people coming for work-related issues, local tourism would get a further boost. In fact, short local tourism circuits could be developed to show such people around during their leisure hours.
Nagpur can also be a Sports Hub with a Divisional Sports Complex and a Stadium by the
Nagpur Improvement Trust. The proposed Sports Complex would have facilities like Multi-Gym, Health Centre, Table Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Spectator Gallery, Running Track, Hockey, Football, Basketball, Swimming Pool etc.. There is also a dire need for excellent auditoria in east, west, north and south Nagpur for catering to the current, vibrant cultural scenario.
Work could be done in slum upgradation, development and regularization of unauthorized layouts, single-window system for Town Planning clearances, sanitation, municipal solid waste management, Bio Medical waste-disposal, Citizen Facilitation Centres, Sulabh Toilets, Bus Shelters and Pay-and-Park facilities and a Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS).
VED looks forward to positive ideas from the citizens on issues like health, education, infrastructure etc.
Citizens may send their ideas /suggestions by post or email. VED Office Address:
Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VED)
1st Floor, Mate Square, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur – 440022
(Behind Dr. Ambedkar Statue & Above Arun Electronics)
Ph – 0712-2240665 / 2240632
Email – WEB –
