Nagpur: While the inquiry into the vehicle verification scam related to Regional Transport Office (RTO), Nagpur Rural, is still going on, the office has suspended three staffers of clerical section. Also, two officers of Nagpur Rural RTO have been assigned non-executive work. Now, a new conflict in the department is brewing as the RTO officials’ union has expressed anger over the move and termed it illegal, a report in a local daily said.
Meanwhile, it is being alleged that RTO in an effort to save its officials, has made the clerical staff a scapegoat. Those suspended are — Senior Clerk Kundan Wadighare, Junior Clerk Gajanan Sonone and Bharat Gaikwad. Nagpur Rural’s two RTO officers have been given non-executive tasks. They would not be handling the tasks directly related to the citizens.
According to the report, there is a separate RTO appointed for Rural Nagpur RTO, who will be in a better position to tell the whole story. A local media report said that the action has been initiated by the office of the Transport Commissioner. Two officials and three employees have been accused of misusing the authority in the assigned work, not implementing the registration process as per the provisions of the law while doing the work related to the re-registration of vehicles in foreign states, and not verifying the authenticity of the non-impairment certificate of the vehicles which are not available in the system.
The Executive Officers Association of RTO has expressed disappointment over the action. The organisation has said, police illegally arrested some officials of Amravati without taking the permission of the Transport Department. If the action is not withdrawn, there will be a strong agitation, the Association warned, the report added.