Nagpur: The verdict date in the two-decade-old Rs 150 crore government securities scam in Nagpur District Central Cooperative Bank (NDCCB) has been further postponed to December 22. Senior Congress leader and former Minister Sunil Kedar is the prime accused in the case.
The case went on for 21 years after which the trial court was originally supposed to give a verdict on November 28. It was then extended till December 18 and now to December 22.
Saoner MLA and former Minister Sunil Kedar, who was the bank’s Chairman when the Rs 150 crore scam surfaced, is the prime accused in the case. The case, involving political bigwigs, was lingering for over two decades.
The NDCCB case had national ramifications as about 16 cases related to the scam are pending in courts across four states.
In November 2019, the trial court finalised charges of criminal breach of trust, misappropriation, forgery and criminal conspiracy.
Kedar has been accused of diverting bank funds to private entities for the purchase of government securities. This alleged violation of the Cooperatives Act resulted in substantial financial losses to the bank.