Nagpur: Hingna police have booked five officials of Vidarbha Mahila Nagari Sahkari Patsanstha allegedly for defrauding the private firm by presenting forged papers and duped the organization collectively of Rs 1,13,78,799 between April 2016 and March 2018.
Cops have booked couple Pushpa and Sunil Modak, Kashinath Kishan Choure, Dighamber Borghate and Pranay Itankar in this connection.
In his compliant, a 45-year-old Tejrao Mahadevra Gavutare, a resident of Waddhamana told Hingna police that all the accused reportedly used fabricated documents to present bogus balance sheet to siphon over one crore rupees for their own goods between April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018. The matter came to fore during the March-end evaluations, hence the compliant.
Hingna police have booked all the accused under Sections 420, 468, 471, 477 (A), 406, 408, 34 of the IPC and started the probe.