Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan is in news again post his successful movie Dangal. The actor has once again shown up for a social cause. He has featured into the latest ”Water cup anthem’ which highlights the concerns for drought-stricken villages of Maharashtra.
This song calls the people to participate in the ‘Water Cup Challenge’ to be held between April 8 and May 22, 2017. The Marathi audience will find a lot of known faces in the video. Sai Tamhankar, Sunil Barve, Ajay-Atul, Rinku Rajguru, Akash Thosar, Jitendra Joshi and others feature in this song, which has been shot by ‘Sairat’ director Nagraj Manjule. The lyrics for this Ajay-Atul composition have been penned by Guru Thakur and Ajay has sung the song as well.
The first edition of Satyamev Jayate Water Cup organised by Paani Foundation created an annual water storage capacity of 1,368 crore litres in three talukas of Maharashtra. With the upcoming second edition, thirty talukas of the state are looked at being covered. The competition between different villages sees which village does the maximum work for watershed management and water conservation during the given period. The top three villages across Maharashtra will get a cash prize of Rs. 50 lakhs, Rs. 30 lakhs and Rs. 20 lakhs respectively.