Nagpur: A day after a class 3 student of Bhavan’s Bhagwandas Purohit Vidya Mandir, Ashti, reportedly died after falling into a pit inside the school, the baffled parents are now expressing concerns about the safety of their wards inside the Temple of Education! All they are left with is one question: whether it was an accident or sheer negligence on the part of the school?
Eight-year-old Sarang Nagpure, a resident of Jaitala, died at Bhavan’s Bhagwandas Purohit Vidya Mandir, Ashti here, on Thursday. Sarang was playing on the ground when the ball went inside the pit. He made an effort to retrieve it, but unfortunately, a concrete cover placed near the pit reportedly fell into the hole with Sarang inside. This resulted in severe injuries to Sarang, who was subsequently rushed to Alexis Hospital in the Mankapur area. However, the doctors declared the boy dead on arrival.
Furious over the negligence of the school and concerned for the safety of the students, the Nagpure family, along with other parents, met with the school administration on Friday. Initially, they were denied entry into the school. However, once they met with Bhavan’s administration, a heated exchange took place, with the school administration facing scrutiny and questions about the safety of the students there.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, Police Inspector Yashwant Solase of Kalmeshwar Police Station informed that a case of accidental death has been registered with Mankapur Police Station in this connection. “We’ve requested paperwork in this regard to transfer the case to Kalmeshwar Police Station,” he said.