Nagpur: In a harrowing incident, a Maruti Suzuki car burst into flames near a busy petrol pump in Kamptee, Nagpur on Thursday evening, sending shockwaves through the local community. Quick action by bystanders and fire tender services prevented a potential disaster.
Eyewitnesses reported hearing a loud explosion followed by billowing smoke and flames engulfing the vehicle. Panic gripped the area as onlookers rushed to safety, fearing an explosion at the petrol pump.
Local authorities and firefighters were swiftly dispatched to the scene. Firefighters worked diligently to contain the blaze, preventing it from spreading to the nearby petrol pump. Their prompt response ensured that a catastrophe was averted, and there were no reported injuries.
The driver of the Maruti Suzuki car managed to escape the vehicle before the fire escalated, and preliminary investigations are underway to determine the cause of the sudden ignition.
Traffic in the vicinity was temporarily disrupted as emergency services worked to secure the area and bring the situation under control.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety precautions and the need for regular vehicle maintenance.