Nagpur: A young Chartered Accountancy (CA) aspirant tragically lost her life on Wednesday in a collision at Bharat Nagar Chowk. The incident, which was caught on a nearby CCTV camera and has since gone viral on social media, has shocked the community.
According to police sources, the collision occurred when a speeding Omni car collided head-on with Vaishnavi’s two-wheeler. The impact was devastating, resulting in fatal injuries for Vaishnavi. Witnesses at the scene promptly alerted the authorities, who swiftly responded to the accident.
Preliminary reports indicate that Vaishnavi was diligently preparing for her CA exams, exemplifying her dedication and commitment to her studies. Sadly, her bright future was abruptly cut short by this tragic accident.
In the wake of the incident, local law enforcement acted swiftly and apprehended the Omni car driver. The driver’s identity has yet to be disclosed, and they are currently in custody, awaiting further legal proceedings. Additionally, the authorities have seized the Omni vehicle as part of the ongoing investigation.
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