Nagpur: In a shocking incident, Ex-Corporator and four others reportedly attacked the squad of Nagpur Police including an Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) here on Holi.
Ex-Corporator Pandurang Hiwarkar and four others were booked by Ajni police in this connection for obstructing police from discharging duties on Friday.
The accused have been identified as Ajay Pandurang Hiwarkar (36), Pandurang Hiwarkar (65), Sachin Chandrashekar Waghmare (22), Vipin Kapurchand Khate (44) and Jogendrar Meshram.
According to police, the five were travelling in a four-wheeler on Friday at 1 pm. A bike-borne man came behind and hit the four-wheeler. Staff of Ajni police rushed to the spot. The five demanded the police to take action against the two-wheeler rider. However, the police staff asked the five persons to give a written complaint by visiting the Ajni police station.
The discussion between the accused and police soon turned to quarrel. On the basis of a complaint given by Head Constable Girish Haribhau Nagrale, attached to Ajni police, an offence under Sections 353, 506, 143, 145, 149, 186, 188, 189 and 283 of Indian Penal Code was registered against the accused police.
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