Nagpur: With the Makar Sankranti festival around the corner, the Nagpur Police Department and Municipal Corporation have intensified their crackdown on the use of banned nylon kite strings. These harmful strings are being confiscated during raids across the city, with thousands of rupees worth of nylon strings seized so far.
Kite flying is a significant part of the Makar Sankranti celebrations, and various neighborhoods in Nagpur are abuzz with the festival spirit. However, the police have launched an aggressive campaign to curb the illegal use of nylon strings. During inspections at Reshambagh Ground, only two individuals were found flying kites, but they were using the permitted Bareilly string. Others were flying kites from rooftops to evade checks.
Meanwhile, the police department has installed safety barriers near the Shantinagar flyover to protect citizens from injuries caused by stray kite strings. Officers are also conducting hands-on inspections at public grounds, personally checking the kite strings being used by citizens.
Makar Sankranti is a joyous occasion enjoyed by people of all ages. However, the banned nylon strings pose a severe threat to birds, animals, and humans alike. Despite the prohibition on its use, the sale of nylon strings continues clandestinely in some parts of the city.
In response, the Nagpur Police Commissioner has instructed all officers to take strict action against those selling or using nylon strings. As a result, police teams across the city have initiated operations to curb this illegal activity.