Published On : Fri, Jun 16th, 2023

Video: Nagpur Today Specials: Know Your DCP – Zone 3 Gorakh Bhamre


Nagpur: In a bid to raise awareness among Nagpurians about their local Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs), Nagpur Today brings you an exclusive series – ‘Know Your DCP’.

For the first segment, DCP Zone 3 Gorakh Bhamre, an IPS Officer of the 2017 batch (Maharashtra Cadre), interacted with Nagpur Today. He shared details of his zone, which comprises Kotwali, Ganeshpeth, Tehsil, Lakadganj, Pachpaoli, and Shanti Nagar Police Stations. DCP Gorakh Bhamre also urged citizens to directly call him on his personal mobile number – 9284165296 – in case of any emergency or to share any valuable information. He assured that their identities would remain anonymous.


During the course of the interaction, DCP Gorakh Bhamre discussed various sensitive points in Zone 3 and how the police are addressing issues related to the safety and security of people in the area.

The DCP also shed light on his personal journey of becoming an IPS officer and shared valuable advice with aspiring UPSC candidates.

Sharing one of the most satisfying moments of his police career so far, DCP Gorakh Bhamre said, “When we reunited a 4-month-old boy with his family after he went missing in the early hours,” was perhaps the most overwhelming moment of my police career.

Watch the video here: