Published On : Fri, Jun 21st, 2024

Video : Nitin Gadkari Practices Yoga with Thousands in Nagpur, Advocates for Daily Routine


yoga day nagpur

Nagpur: On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari participated in a large-scale yoga event in Nagpur, where he practiced yoga alongside thousands of participants. Emphasizing the importance of personal discipline, Gadkari remarked, “Ministers, MLAs, and MPs often give speeches on various topics, but there is a public perception about how much they practice in their personal lives. I am pleased to share that, despite my busy schedule, I dedicate two hours every morning to yoga.”

Gadkari stressed the potential of yoga not only as a health practice but also as a means of employment. “It is heartening that International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide today. While our ministers, MLAs, and MPs speak on many subjects, it is important to reflect on personal discipline. I am happy to commit two hours every morning to yoga, regardless of how busy I am. Health should be a priority for everyone globally, and regular yoga practice is essential for maintaining good health.”


He also highlighted the benefits of consistent yoga practice, noting that it can reduce the need for medications. Gadkari added, “Yoga instructors trained here conduct classes in various locations, providing a potential employment avenue for our youth. Therefore, yoga can be a source of livelihood as well.”

Gadkari’s advocacy for yoga as a daily practice and a source of employment resonated with the large gathering, reinforcing the significance of the International Yoga Day celebrations.