It is not all work and no play for Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently busy shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s romantic drama tentatively titled ‘The Ring’. The Bollywood superstar is currently in Amsterdam shooting for the second schedule of the film that will see him play a tourist guide opposite Anushka Sharma, playing the role of a Gujarati girl. If not on the sets, SRK has been whiling away his time with his son AbRam and also interacting with his fans through his many social networking posts.
Last week, Shah Rukh posted a video of himself cosplaying with the toddler while sporting Spider-Man masks. The actor had mentioned before that he was advised to stop posting pictures and videos of AbRam as he was gaining more popularity than him. Looks like SRK is taking that advice as he posted a new video of himself showing off some of his tricks. He posted a boomerang clip of himself trying out a ‘Jordan-Messi combo’ while trying to fetch a box-shaped object.