Published On : Wed, Mar 30th, 2016

Vijay Mallya does a Kohli for Siddharth tweets Slam me but not my son

Vijay Mallya may be called many things – willful defaulter, King of good times, (ex) liquor baron – but the businessman isn’t taking too kindly to Twitter users targeting his son Siddharth ‘Sid’ Mallya.

In the middle of fending for himself in a financial fiasco, Vijay Mallya attempted to tell off Twitter users on Wednesday morning , asking them to “slam” him if they must, “but not a young man”.

The 28-year-old son of the Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) chairman is a budding actor, and is active on social media forums like Twitter and Instagram. Though studying at a drama school in London, Sid has been receiving quite a few hate tweets for his father’s financial troubles which include huge loan defaults and outstanding payments to crew of the now-defunct KFA.

Sid Mallya has in the past weeks been supporting his father publicly by retweeting him and those who support him. This seems to antagonised some people further.
