Nagpur News: Congress, National Congress, Bahujan Ekta Manch and Lokmanch candidate for Lok Sabha polls, Vilas Muttemwar’s election campaign meeting was held at White House Lawns situated on Kamptee Road . The founder of Lokmanch, Atal Bahadur Singh, former MP Gev Awari, food and civil supplies minister Anilbabu Deshmukh, former MLA, Shaukat Qureshi, former MLA Madhukarrao Wasnik, Nagpur city Cong chief Vikas Thakre, NC chief Ajay Patil, Haji Sheikh Hussain, Sonia Singh and other dignitaries guided the people at the meeting.
This is sixteenth Lok Sabha poll, is certainly going to be against casteists forces and we should recognise danger of communal forces like RSS said Gev Awari. During my tenure at Chimur Gosikhurd Project, after coming to Nagpur it was MIHAN, International Airport, Metro are the important points of progress and my dream of development.
This is the reason I could get funds of Rs 4068 crore for development of city during last five years. These funds consist of 50% contribution of union government, 20 % from state govt and remaining 30% is contribution of the local administration said Vilas Muttemwar.
The meeting was co-ordinated by Ajay Patil, vote of thanks was proposed by Vikas Thakre.
Raja Dronkar, Philip Jaiswal, Malini Khobragade, Pankaj Lonare, Vinod S Sonkar, Babi Dahiwale, Irshad Sheikh, Ganesh Sahu, Harmindarsingh Lohia, Bhavana Lonare, Raj Khattri, Irshad Malik, Prashant Uke, Rakesh Nikose, Bandopant Tembhurne, Vivek Nikose, Harshal Lal, Vishal Sakhre, Nalini Yadav, Varsha Shyamkule, civic body member Pragati Patil and many other party volunteers took great pains for the success of the meeting.