Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana, 17, is one of the top trends on the Internet on Wednesday, courtesy a picture of her in a pool. Suhana’s picture was shared by a fan club a couple of days ago with the caption that read, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” In the picture, Suhana looks into the camera and appears to be wearing purple swimwear. (Stunning, Suhana).
“Beautiful and gorgeous” are the comments on Suhana’s pictures. Suhana Khan is Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri’s middle child. The couple, who married in 1991, are also parents to sons – Aryan, 19 and AbRam, 4. Aryan is currently studying film at the University of Southern California while Suhana is a student of Mumbai’s Dhirubhai Ambani International School.
Here’s Suhana’s picture, which is now viral.
A month ago, Suhana showed up at the Lakme Fashion Week and the spotlight followed her soon. She was pictured in white jeans and a black halter-neck top. Actor Chunkey Pandey’s daughter Ananya, nephew Ahaan and Sanjay Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya also accompanied Suhana to the show.