Nagpur: Tech giant Google on Tuesday said it has appointed Nitin Bawankule as the country head for Google Cloud India. Bawankule, who has been a part of Google’s India operations for over six years, will report to Google Cloud Managing Director (Asia Pacific) Rick Harshman, it said in a statement.
Previously, Bawankule was serving as the Head of Sales for multiple verticals including e-commerce, retail, classifieds and education.
An IIM Bangalore and VNIT Nagpur alumnus, Bawankule has over 20 years of experience and has worked at firms like Dell, Motorola Mobility, Whirlpool and Godrej GE Appliances.
“Nitin brings with him an excellent mix of digital, technical and consumer products sales experience. We are very excited to have him join our team and take our India story to the next level,” Harshman said.
Bawankule said by 2020, the public cloud services market in India is poised to reach $4.10 billion.
“Business leaders across industries are increasingly adopting cloud technology because they understand it helps solve a number of real challenges – teams work better together, data becomes useful to make smart decisions and companies create new value to stay competitive in a quickly changing economy,” he added.