Nagpur: Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi College of Engineering recently inaugurated a departmental wall-magazine in the Department Electrical Engineering. It was inaugurated by Dr. R.V. Kshirsagar, Principal. He appreciated the students’ creativity and briefed about the importance of wall-magazine. “It would be a platform for the students to evolve themselves in various prospects of life. It comprises of various sections like Technologies, Arts, Sketches, Poetry and Achievements etc.” he informed.
Prof. U. B. Malkhandale, HoD, Electrical Department also appreciated the work of students and their innovative effort. Prof. S. B. Bhaladhare, Wall-magazine in-charge encouraged the latent talent and efforts of the students.
Diksha Awathare, Renuka More, Aniket, Abhijeet, Priyanka and Shraddha worked hard for the event to make it successful. Prof. V.P. Kesalkar, Dean Academisc HoD’s of various department, other staff members and students were also present for this event.