Nagpur: More high profile beneficiaries are started to tumble out of the multi-crore Wasankar Investment Scam that duped hundreds of people. As Justice Suryawanshi of Special Court of MPID (Maharashtra Protection of Interests of Depositors Act) acted tough on the incident, the Economic Offences Wing of Nagpur Crime Branch has swung into action and has intensified its search. After thorough examinations of documents and other evidences, the EOW has started mounting the heat on the beneficiaries to deposit the money received under various guise which include donations, investments, parking funds etc.
Reliable sources told Nagpur Today that some very big names of leaders who have become educational barons in Mumbai and other ministers who are now in opposition are also beneficiaries of the Wasankar Scam.
According to our sources in Economic Offences Wing of Nagpur Crime Branch the hard-disc which was recovered by the Economic Offences Wing of Nagpur Crime Branch from Wasankar Wealth Management during the search and seizure operation has been sent to the Forensic Laboratory in Mumbai. Till date, the Nagpur EOW is yet to receive the report of the contents.
Sources claimed that the hard-disc which was recovered will reveal many such names of politicians and corporate with whom, Wasankar has allegedly parked investors’ money. Sources also revealed that many media personnel also had demat accounts with Wasankar’s company.