Nagpur: An alert TTE at Nagpur Railway Station in a daring act saved the life of a passenger. The video of the incident has been shared by Central Railway. It happened that the passenger was trying to board a moving train on Platform No. 1. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell down in the gap between footboard and platform. The Head TTE Gagandeep Singh saw the incident and in a swift action dragged the passenger to safety and also helped him board the moving train.
The Central Railway shared the video in Tweeter. The Tweet says:
“Hd TTE Gagandeep Singh saw a passenger at PF No.1 at Nagpur Station trying to board the running train No. 06509, falling down in the gap between footboard & the Platform, displaying quick action pulled him out at nick of the time & saved his life. His act was appreciated by Sr.DCM.”