Katrina Kaif is very much in the news these days, both for her onscreen chemistry with Sidharth Malhotra in Karan Johar’s upcoming movie and off screen on-off relationship with ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor. The latest that hits her onscreen apsect is her new video with Sidharth. Both the actors have their Desi Swag on. While Sidharth is seen donning an ethnic traditional Kurta-Pajama, Katrina is wearing a saree, that just upped the hotness factor of the song. Both of them are also wearing black sunglasses. The flashes of dance moves by both Sidharth and Katrina make for an exciting dance number.
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The song is originally composed by Prem Hardeep and recreated by Badshah, and sung in the widely loved voices of Amar Arshi, Badshah and Neha Kakkar. Directed by debutante Nitya Mehra, ‘Baar Baar Dekho’ is a romantic film starring Sidharth Malhotra and Katrina Kaif in the lead roles which is slated to release on September 9.